A Black Realtor's View of Gentrification (Pt.2) [EP 22] Priced Out Podcast

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We get into the weeds of neighborhood history once again with Fred Stewart, Portland's most controversial black activist. He grew up in Northeast Portland and has been a realtor in the neighborhood since the drug war days.

Fred Stewart has been called “King of Northeast Portland Real Estate.” He even says he may have started the gentrification of the neighborhood. The catch is, he’s black. He’s a social media bomb thrower, a realtor and an activist who has twice run for city council.

We get into the weeds of neighborhood history once again with Fred in part two of this two-part interview. He grew up in Northeast Portland and has been a realtor in the neighborhood since the drug war days of the 1980s. In this interview, Fred talks about why he got into real estate during the neighborhood's darkest era. He tells us what it took to sell a house in the "ghetto," how he got around redlining and why he bought a strip club from a white man who called him "Fred Shit."

Fred has a deep knowledge of Northeast Portland and is featured in Priced Out the movie. This POD is part of the "Cut Out" where we explore more from the people and POVs that were left out of the documentary Priced Out. 

Despite Stewart’s controversial past, we think he has an important viewpoint to include in the mix of voices we listen to on this issue. As always the opinions of our guests are their own.